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``` /***************************************************************************** * * bla.c 2019.11.11 Smythies * attempt to invoke OOM by asking for a rediculous amount of memory * see: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1188024/how-to-test-oom-killer-from-command-line * still do it slowly, in chunks, so it can be monitored. * However simplify the original testm.c, for this example. * * testm.cpp 2013.01.06 Smythies * added a couple more sleeps, in attempts to observe stuff on linux. * * testm.cpp 2010.12.14 Smythies * attempt to compile on Ubuntu Linux. * * testm.cpp 2009:03:18 Smythies * This is not the first edit, but I am just adding the history * header. * How much memory can this one program ask for and sucessfully get? * Done in two calls, to more accurately simulate the program I * and wondering about. * This edit is a simple change to print the total. * the sleep calls have changed (again) for MS C version 2008. * Now they are more like they used to be (getting annoying). * Smythies *****************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define CR 13 int main(){ char *fptr; long i, k; i = 50000000000L; do{ if(( fptr = (char *)malloc(i)) == NULL){ i = i - 1000; } } while (( fptr == NULL) && (i > 0)); sleep(15); /* for time to observe */ for(k = 0; k < i; k++){ /* so that the memory really gets allocated and not just reserved */ fptr[k] = (char) (k & 255); } /* endfor */ sleep(60); /* O.K. now you have 1 minute */ free(fptr); /* clean up, if we get here */ return(0); } ```

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