Raspbian 新版发布,基于 Debian 的 Linux 系统

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Raspbian 20171129 已发布,Raspbian 是基于 Debian GNU/Linux 的免费操作系统,它面向 Raspberry Pi 硬件(armhf 处理器架构)而做了优化。Raspbian 带有 35000 多个软件包或预编译软件,它们按优美的格式打包从而便于在 Raspberry Pi 上安装。

Raspbian 新版发布,基于 Debian 的 Linux 系统


  • Added battery monitor plugin for taskbar – works on x86 images or first-generation Pi-Top
  • Added cutdown mode to PCManFM file manager to reduce complexity
  • Added ability to rename files in PCManFM by clicking name when selected
  • Bug fix in Bluetooth ALSA module to reduce truncation of audio at end of playback
  • Various small tweaks, bug fixes and theme modifications
  • New kernel and firmware



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